J. T. Systems, Inc. has the capability of providing a
complete dust collection system including:
Dust Collector
Fan and Exhaust Stack
High Efficiency Cyclone
Pneumatic Conveying System
Cold Feed Bins
Silo Filter Vents
Air Dryers
Structural Support for Dust Collection System
Buffalo Crushed Stone, Inc. - Cheektowaga, NY
6 Ton Batch Plant Exhaust System
Low pressure-drop cyclone, 70,000 CFM baghouse, ductwork, fan and
installation by J.T. Systems, Inc.
J.T. Systems, Inc.
8132 Oswego Road • Route 57
Liverpool, New York 13090-1500
TEL: (315) 622-1980 • FAX: (315) 622-2998 info@jtsystemsinc.com jtsystemsinc.com